Hope Lodge 2013

Four cakes (baked by Megans Beers-Wood from IMP), 15 roast chickens (hand-pulled by Rich Stanton from MSP), 9 pounds of spaghetti alfredo, plus salad, bread, and drinks (care of Cathy Gavile from IMP, Jasmine Miller-Kleinhenz from CB and Amy Anderson, PhD from Neuroscience) were on the menu when Emory GIVE went out to make dinner for the residents of Hope Lodge on July 15, 2013. Hope Lodge is an American Cancer Society facility that enables cancer patients receiving treatment to stay in town if their homes are far away from treatment centers. The directors try to get volunteers to come and provide dinner for the residents at least 3 times a week, to give them and their caregivers a respite from cooking. 

While cooking for 75 people may seem like a huge task (especially since this was GIVE’s first time doing this event), our volunteers rose to the challenge, making a dinner that all seemed to enjoy! Most of all, I think we were all just happy that our efforts were so thoroughly appreciated by the residents and staff of Hope Lodge, as shown by empty plates, and profuse thanks! Thank you to the volunteers who came, and even spent their weekends working on the dinner!  Hopefully we can make this a regular GIVE event!