Teaching Opportunities

TATTO: Teaching Assistant Training & Teaching Opportunity Program

Training in teaching is valuable for all scientists as we are involved in either formal education or presenting work to our peers or laymen. The Teaching Assistant Training and Teaching Opportunity Program (TATTO) is administered by Emory's Laney Graduate School (LGS) to provide teacher training and experience for doctoral students in the Graduate Division of Biological and Biomedical Sciences (GDBBS). Completion of the TATTO program is required for the doctoral degree.

Summer Teaching Workshop

The two-day summer teaching workshop sponsored by the LGS is usually scheduled one week before the fall semester and is the first stage of teacher training. No student may engage in any classroom related teaching activities in his/her training program until completion of the summer workshop. Normally, PBEE students participate in this teaching workshop in the summer following their first year.

Teaching Assistantship (TA)

All students in the GDBBS are required to serve as a Teaching Assistant (TA) for one semester usually during the academic year immediately following participation in the TATTO summer workshop. TA duties will often consist of serving as a lecturer, laboratory instructor/assistant, and/or a discussion section leader under the supervision of a faculty member. TA's will also assist students with problems during scheduled office hours, help with the preparation of handout and/or laboratory materials, help administer and grade exams, etc. Students assigned to laboratory courses assist in setting up the laboratory exercises and help students with the theoretical and practical aspects of the exercise as it progresses.

Dean's Teaching Fellowship

The Laney Graduate School offers Dean's Teaching Fellowship awards to support for students whose records demonstrate excellence in teaching and who will complete their doctoral degrees in the fellowship year. Each Dean's Teaching Fellow teaches one course and receives a standard stipend for 9 months along with the graduate school health insurance subsidy.

Visit the Laney Graduate School's website for information on how to apply for the Dean's Teaching Fellowship.

ORDER: On Recent Discoveries by Emory Researchers

The ORDER program provides graduate students and post-doctoral fellows an opportunity to develop courser modules around their own research, and to teach those modules as part of interdisciplinary science courses for college students.

The semester-long ORDER courses are co-taught by teams of graduate fellows called teacher-scholars. Each teacher-scholar teaches a course section that focuses on some aspect of his or her graduate research project. They explain the origins of their discoveries and the different elements that build research in their respective disciplines.

An important objective of ORDER is to change the way science is taught to undergraduates, moving it away from the traditional lecture-based curriculum to a more research-oriented curriculum that actively involves students in posing questions and seeking solutions.

Visit the Laney Graduate School's website for information on how to apply for the ORDER fellowship.